Thursday, May 2, 2013

Blog Post #5 Sydney Thiessa

For the research paper, I chose the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind for my primary text. ESotSM is a science fiction/drama/romantic film, directed by Michel Gondry. The plot centers on an estranged couple, named Joel and Clementine, who decide to get their memories erased by a company called Lacuna Inc. The film becomes a dystopia through the idea that technology is advancing to the point that people can get their memories erased, but people have to deal with the consequences of that technology, such that Joel ends of regretting it and basically fighting and revolting during his process of memory erasure. I plan to use psychological criticism in my analysis to explain Joel and Clementine's psyche throughout the film, with a little Marxism to explain the nature of the revolt between the people and Lacuna Inc. I've done some research just to make sure that ESotSM is considered a dystopian film, though I haven't found a good, reliable source yet.

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