Saturday, May 4, 2013

Blog #3 Marissa Bentley-Byzak

What would it be like if we reached the point where humans are capable of playing God? What if science progressed to the point where humans are now capable of doing extraordinary things to our own species in order to prolong life? The answer to these questions, and the ethics debate that concerns them, is the topic of the story I am choosing to write about for my paper. Never Let Me Go is a novel about Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy. They are three students who reside in a boarding school called “Hailsham.” I have not finished the book yet but after reading the synopsis I am assuming I will soon enough realize that this is no ordinary boarding school. After finishing the book I will watch the movie and then figure out which one I will actually analyze in the final paper. I have already browsed through scholarly databases and found these two credible sources.  
-Griffin, Gabriele. "Science and the Cultural Imaginary: The Case of Kazuo Ish- iguro's Never Let Me Go." Textual Practice 23.4 (2009): 645-63.

-Ishiguro, Kazuo. "T'm Sorry I Can't Say More': An Interview with Kazuo Ish- iguro." Conducted by Sean Matthews. Matthews and Groes 114-25.

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