Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Blog #5 The lottery; Brianna Engelhorn

The "Lottery" written by Shirley Jackson is a story of a little town that conducts a winning of a "lottery" each year. If you think about America and all the stories you have heard of "Jerry wins $10,000, lets see what he purchases with that chunk of money". Normally in our society winning the lottery is probably one of the best things to happen to a person. In this town an old black worn out box is brought out containing names of families and individuals in the families. The "lottery" is basically the person who is chosen it leads to their death. This dystopia is an obvious one because in our real world being picked to die isn't necessarily something to be excited about it reminds me a lot of the hunger games in the sense that you are "playing" to avoid being killed. I am doing more research on "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson for my research paper.

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