Thursday, February 28, 2013

Blog Assignment #3

Choose at least two statistics, statements, opinions, analytical statements, etc. from the documentary Miss Representation, which we began in class on Tuesday, 2/26 and will finish on 2/28. As I asked you to take notes and write down at least several points/record a few quotes and/or numbers, this part should be very easy. Respond to them by telling us:

a)    whether you agree or disagree and with the sentiments expressed and/or are surprised or unsurprised by any facts/numbers presented and why

b)   connect your chosen quotes/facts to a media event or text and contextualize them by linking them to media examples. In this sense, you’re looking to give texture and depth to a fact, number, or opinion that, without analysis, will remain one dimensional. You should choose one or two media examples and develop your ideas in depth rather than listing multiple shows, films, commercials, events etc. You can choose any kind of media you want with any delivery method as long as it reaches a large audience (could be a YouTube series, a television show, a comic, the way the media frames an event, whatever you want). You can accomplish this contextualization in any number of ways. Mostly, I want you to discuss/analyze some media representation of women using the examples you’ve chosen from the documentary. You don’t necessarily have to agree with the points the film makes; it may be that you find media examples that fly in the face of  the film’s messages. This said, remember that, to do any kind of feminist criticism, you need to accept the larger premises on which it rests: men and women haven’t achieved parity or equality – not economically, not sexually, not politically, not socially, not academically, etc.  and that women are skewered in a variety of ways by the media. (This doesn't mean men aren't, but that's simply not a focus at the moment.)

c)    You can also link one or more statements from the film to an incident portrayed publicly (a speech, a social faux pas (i.e, a “nipple slip”, a paparazzi photograph and the commentary that comes along with it, the Oscars,etc.)

d)   I will post one of my own. Again, no right way to do this, but if it helps you to read mine, great. 

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