Sunday, October 14, 2012

Erika- Blog #2

In the poem Girl, the author does a good job of describing most of the chores and activities a women would do under a society that looks down on women. It portrays females as a robot whose only tasks are to do things for men or for themselves so they won't bother men. Their roles are to please the other sex. "When buying cotton, make yourself a nice blouse, make sure it doesn't have gum on it, because that way it won't hold up after a wash". This sentence forces the reader to think women are idiotic because who would want gum on their clothes? This sentence is asking for them to watch out for gum as if they wouldn't in the first place. This poem basically degrades women into "slaves" for men. This was an interesting poem, there were many messages behind every sentence about the roles women should play in a anti-feminism society.

1 comment:

  1. Erika,
    I didn't read this poem but from reading your post it seems that it's pretty much about the role that women take on in society. The roles being the "slavery" type work that includes household chores and activities, right?. Seems wrong to be degraded in this society on account to the gender that one is..
